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One handing passing work documents to another.
Career Counseling

How to Find the Best Temporary Job Opportunities

Are you looking for a fantastic way to gain experience, earn income, and enjoy a flexible work schedule? If so, you should explore temporary work. Have a conversation with employment experts at Staffing Network about your work history and available jobs. Who Typically Seeks Short-Term Work? Just as there are many types of jobs, there

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A meeting at work, onboarding a temporary hire.

5 Ways to Focus on Clarity When Onboarding Temp Workers

To be sure that short-term workers hit the ground running and contribute meaningfully to your organization, you need to have an onboarding plan in place. Unlike permanent employees, temp workers have a limited time to familiarize themselves with their roles and the company environment.  The employment experts at Staffing Network have quality hires available when

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Laptop computer and a tablet ready for work.
Career Counseling

High-Tech Ways to Navigate the Job Market

From job boards to AI-driven tools, it’s important for job seekers to understand how companies use technology to navigate the job market. When you partner with the employment experts at Staffing Network, they can share with you ways to stand out and secure the best opportunities. Online Job Portals and Tracking Systems Web based job

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Manager leading a team at work.

A Manager’s Perspective on Working with a Staffing Firm

As a manager, juggling the responsibilities of your core job while recruiting new talent can be difficult. Thankfully, there are employment experts who can streamline the hiring process and ensure you find the most qualified candidates. To learn more, have a conversation with Staffing Network about the benefits of working with a staffing firm. Access

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Man looking at an idea board at a workplace.
Career Counseling

Remarkable Skills for Greater Opportunities

Skill development is paramount for all workers, and this is particularly true for those navigating the temporary employment landscape. Temporary jobs, once viewed merely as stop-gap solutions, are now a preferred job choice for many. Short-term assignments are valuable opportunities for gaining experience, building networks, and developing a diverse skill set.  If you are currently

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Card with word yes written in tiles.

Sure Fire Ways to Attract Top Candidates

Often a multi-faceted approach is necessary when managers are looking to connect with top candidates. If you are a hiring manager, know that there are effective strategies you can implement to ensure your organization attracts great talent. Putting effort into your recruitment today will pay off in the quality and longevity of the talent you

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Man looking for jobs on a laptop computer.
Career Counseling

Promising Results for Short and Long Cover Letters

If you are applying for jobs, remember that a cover letter often plays the role of the first impression. Crafting it effectively can be the difference between landing an interview or getting lost in the shuffle. But when it comes to the length of cover letters, job seekers often find themselves at a crossroads. Should

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Woman frustrated working on a laptop.

What Managers Need to Know About Skill Set Misalignment

Skill set misalignment can impede productivity, hinder innovation, and hurt a company’s ability to stay competitive in the market. With fast-paced changes happening in work environments, teams are often staffed with employees who thrived in past assignments but don’t have the skills that align with the needs of an evolving organization.  If you are a

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Computer keyboard and mouse.

Utilizing Technology in Recruitment

The role of technology in recruitment has evolved quickly. For individuals who spent their careers manually sifting through stacks of resumes and conducting endless interviews, today’s fast-paced business landscape may be unrecognizable. This is because modern staffing initiatives rely heavily on innovative technologies to streamline the hiring process.  Utilizing technology can save time, resources, and

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Shaking hands after a successful job interview.
Career Counseling

Mastering a Temporary Job Interview

Temporary employment has become increasingly attractive to job seekers. Which makes sense, because short-term gigs offer flexibility and opportunities for career advancement. Whether you’re seeking a temp job to supplement your income or aiming to gain valuable experience in a specific industry, know that an interview could be part of the process.  In any job

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Four people looking over work documents together.

Making Adjustments to Your Employee Value Proposition (EPV)

When it comes to staffing, companies must continuously adapt to meet the evolving needs and expectations of employees. For many businesses, an Employee Value Proposition (EPV) supports their hiring goals. An EPV outlines the unique benefits and rewards that employees receive in exchange for their contributions to an organization. Paying attention to EPV metrics can

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Notepad and phone ready for productivity.
Career Counseling

3 Reasons Why Job Seekers Turn to Short-Term Jobs

Job hunters are increasingly turning to short-term jobs for a variety of reasons. Whether you’re a student looking to gain experience, a parent seeking flexibility, or a mid-career worker exploring new career paths, short-term employment offers unique advantages. If any of these scenarios apply to you, there are professionals who can help you connect with

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Group of people with a woman waving and smiling at the camera.

Ways to Prioritize Diversity and Inclusion in Hiring

A diverse workforce fosters innovation and creativity. Because managers recognize the benefits of a dynamic company culture, more and more have been prioritizing diversity and inclusion in hiring. If you are interested in connecting with job seekers who have a broad range of talents and experiences, talk to the employment experts at Staffing Network. Accessing

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Couple seated and looking at a laptop.
Career Counseling

How to Prepare for Temporary Assignments

As a recent graduate, a career-changer, or someone seeking additional income, preparing for temporary assignments can set you up for success. While it is expected that it will take some time and training for you to settle into a short-term support position, there are practical tips that can help. Talk to the employment experts at

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Red flower in field of green.

Finding the Right Talent with a Niche Staffing Firm

Every business has its own needs, and businesses that require high staffing numbers are constantly seeking ways to connect with the right talent. After all, they need support staff to fuel their growth and success. Partnering with a niche staffing firm means your organization can connect with workers who have experience in specific industries. If

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Two people shaking hands over a work desk.
Career Counseling

Temporary Job Opportunities for Career Growth

Many people find their career path does not follow the age-old model of one job until retirement. Instead, careers often change over time through an array of different opportunities. Because of this, temporary jobs have emerged as a strategic option for professionals seeking career growth.  Contrary to the perception that temporary roles are merely stopgaps,

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Woman saying hello to people on her tablet.
Career Counseling

Career Transitions Aren’t Easy, but Temporary Jobs Can Help

Whether you’re seeking a change in industry or recovering from a period of unemployment, the path to a new career can be uncertain. If you are going through a frustrating career change, know that there are professionals who can help.  The employment experts at Staffing Network can connect you with temporary jobs, and short-term opportunities

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Charts showing the rewards of working with a staffing firm.

Successful Partnerships Between Hiring Managers and Staffing Firms

Hiring managers are in charge of filling open positions within their organization. Sometimes a hiring manager is part of human resources, in other situations they are a team leader who is bringing another employee into their department.  With the responsibility of meeting with staff, writing job descriptions, reviewing resumes, conducting interviews, drafting offers, and designing

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A couple looking at a laptop review a resume.
Career Counseling

How to Craft a Standout Temporary Work Resume

There are many advantages to pursuing temporary employment, such as work flexibility and access to diverse experiences. Whether you’re a seasoned freelancer or someone exploring temporary work for the first time, know that one tool for securing short-term employment is crafting a standout temporary work resume.  If you aren’t sure how to land a temp

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A group of people meeting around a table to discuss work strategies.

Reflection and Learning from the Year’s Challenges

Year end is an opportunity for managers in every industry to take a step back and reflect on any staffing challenges and successes they’ve experienced. The dynamics of workforce management are fluid, and the results are not always predictable. Reflection is important, because it allows us to learn from setbacks and leverage the insights we’ve

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Dart board with green and yellow darts.
Career Counseling

Setting Career Goals for the New Year

As 2023 draws to a close, it is time to look back on past achievements and make plans for the New Year. For many, setting career goals is part of this process.  Goals can chart a course for your professional journey, and they provide a sense of direction, purpose, and motivation. Without a clear roadmap,

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Two professionals walking down an office hallway and talking.

Do You Know How to Give a Constructive Performance Review?

While a great idea is one asset of a business, the reality is that the success of an organization often hinges on the performance of its employees. Because of this, managers are responsible for keeping their teams on track, and a constructive performance review is a way to set the stage for professional growth, enhanced

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Woman in Santa hat looking at phone and smiling.
Career Counseling

What Should I Know About Holiday Job Hunting?

Holiday job hunting comes with its own set of pros and cons, but when you connect with career professionals, you can navigate these challenges effectively. Discuss your employment goals with an expert at Staffing Network. Then you can make informed decisions when it comes to looking for a job during the holiday season. Pros and

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Gift box with the words thank you.

Special Ways to Give Thanks to Your Employees

When business is booming, it is common for demands to be high and deadlines to be tight. In these situations, it’s easy to overlook the importance of employee appreciation. Yet taking time to appreciate your staff should be prioritized, because fostering a culture of gratitude within your organization can boost employee morale, enhance company culture,

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Woman looking at a project in a work setting.
Career Counseling

How to Stand Out as a Temp Worker

If you’re seeking variety in your career, know that temp jobs allow you to make valuable connections and showcase your skills. When considering temporary work, discuss available industries and jobs with an expert at Staffing Network. Then, make it a priority to stand out as each unique opportunity can help you build your resume, enhance

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Man working in an industrial setting.

Need Help with Sector-Specific Hiring? 

If you are looking for candidates with specific skills, qualifications, and experience within a particular industry, you are not alone. Many jobs require certain qualifications, either through past experience, education, or on-the-job training programs.  When you partner with a staffing firm that specializes in connecting talent with certain industries, they can be a strategic ally

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Blackboard with planning notes.

Maximize Your ROI When You Adjust Your Hiring Practices

Return on investment (ROI) is an important metric that helps management teams know where they stand financially, and ROI stats can also be helpful when it comes to assessing whether staffing levels are adequate or if it is time to acquire more talent.  With analytic tools becoming more developed in recent years, it isn’t only

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Woman sitting in coffee shop holding a cell phone.
Career Counseling

How to Tap into Unadvertised Job Opportunities

When looking for a job, you will often hear of friends helping friends connect with positions or family members who have been contacted by a former employer and rehired. It might be frustrating to know they are connecting with opportunities that remain hidden from the public eye, but you too can connect with jobs that

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Two young workers outside of a business.

If You Want to Retain Gen Z Talent, Try These 5 Ways

Individuals born between 1997 and 2012 are commonly referred to as Gen Z, and this group has brought their unique characteristics and aspirations to the American workforce.  To connect with these motivated hires and retain Gen Z talent, talk to an employment professional at Staffing Network. Experts are available to help you with your staffing

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Row of books ready for studying.
Career Counseling

Launching Your Career While Finishing School

Even when you enjoy being in school it is natural to want to explore next steps, such as gaining early career experience. If you are juggling the demands of coursework but are still eager to gain real-world experience, temporary employment could be the ideal solution. Many find working temp assignments to be a rewarding way

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Closeup of hands working on a laptop.

Unlock the Power of Employment Experts

Finding the right talent can be difficult. If you are a manager, you are likely well aware of the importance of a capable staff that is composed of employees who get along with ease. But how do you build that team? Hiring takes a lot of time and energy, but when you connect with experts

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Group working around a table.

How Do I Find Short-Term Staff Quickly?

If you need to increase your workforce quickly, you are not alone. Many businesses find themselves understaffed when faced with sudden work demands or seasonal spikes. Some teams have former workers who are willing to jump in on a short term basis, but others are unsure where to turn in order to connect with temporary

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Calculator and pen on top of a printed budget.

Decrease Costs When You Work with a Staffing Firm

If your company wants to maximize efficiency and boost savings, you are not alone. It is common for organizations to seek ways to optimize their operations and reduce costs. When you are able to find ways to streamline processes at your place of work, consider collaborating with a staffing firm. Discuss the benefits of working

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Woman holding office door open.
Career Counseling

Get Your Foot In the Door with a Temporary Assignment

If you are interested in landing a job but aren’t sure how to start the process, know there are many paths that can lead to your dream career. For example, one excellent way to get your foot in the door and gain valuable experience is through temporary assignments.  The employment experts at Staffing Network know

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Woman working on a laptop.
Career Counseling

Surefire Things to Do a After Job Loss

Losing a job can be a disheartening experience. But even though there are challenges connected to job loss, it’s essential to remember that setbacks can also present opportunities for growth and development.  The employment experts at Staffing Network understand the impact of job loss and can share with you strategies to help you remain optimistic,

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Red and yellow stars to symbolize success.
Career Counseling

Boost Team Performance When You Celebrate Successes

Achieving team goals or exceeding targets is a cause for celebration. As a manager, you have daily tasks of your own to see to, but recognizing and acknowledging the accomplishments of your team members is just as essential. Celebrating successes not only fosters a positive work environment but also serves as a powerful motivator. If

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Three smiling coworkers sitting together.

5 Common Staffing Challenges and How to Overcome Them

If you are seeking to add workers to your team, you are likely familiar with the unique set of challenges that come with finding the right candidates. Whether you are struggling with gaps in skill sets, high turnover rates, or not being able to connect with hires who are a good match for your workplace

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Staff having a meeting within an office environment.
Career Counseling

Genuine Advantages of Temp Jobs Over Permanent Roles

In the last handful of years, ideas about how work should be performed and where it should be done have evolved. As a result, traditional notions of employment are becoming increasingly outdated.  For example, while permanent roles have long been the gold standard for employment, many workers have found themselves in situations where contract assignments

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Chess pieces on a scale.
Career Counseling

Risks and Benefits of Hiring Temp Workers: What Hiring Managers Need to Know

When you work with a staffing firm, you are connecting with a range of services, including temporary staffing solutions. Temp workers, like permanent hires and contractual support workers, come with a few different pros and cons. To make an informed decision about if temp workers would be a good fit for your staffing needs, talk

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Older worker explaining something to a colleague.

Valuable Reasons to Consider Hiring 50+ Workers

There are many challenges facing hiring managers as the workforce and labor markets evolve. What was true even a few years ago may not be true today. If you are a hiring manager who is having trouble keeping your organization fully staffed, consider hiring talented groups that are often overlooked, such as workers who are

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Woman filling out a job application.
Career Counseling

Top 3 Ways to Keep My Experience Current While Unemployed

You’ve likely heard the saying, it’s easier to find a job when you have one. Unfortunately, this is often true. It can be more difficult to find work if you are unemployed or there are large gaps in your employment history. But if you are currently out of work, do not be discouraged. There are

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Image of phone communication icons.

Make Follow Up Clear When Communicating with Job Seekers

Because today’s job market is highly competitive, it can be difficult to find the right candidate. But as a hiring manager, there are things you can do to increase your chances of connecting with the right individual. For example, keeping job seekers informed throughout the hiring process can be a game changer. To learn about

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Man with head down in front of a laptop.
Career Counseling

Where to Turn When You Need a Job Quickly

There are many reasons why people work. They do so to connect with others, enjoy a sense of stability, and feel good about contributing to the overall success of an organization. That said, it is also true that a common incentive to work is because people need money. If you experienced a job loss or

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Person making a list in a coffee shop.

The Simple Reason to Share Company Values In a Job Description

As a hiring manager, your goal is to attract top talent, but sometimes it is not clear how to find candidates who will seamlessly mesh with your current team. To connect with the right fit, you need a worker who aligns with your company culture. When you share your company values in a job description,

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Chess board to illustrate strategy.
Career Counseling

Easy Ways to Make an Unreliable Career Choice Work

Deciding on a career path isn’t always easy, and you may find yourself in a career that is not as reliable as you anticipated. Or maybe you love your work but it simply doesn’t supply the income needed to balance your household budget.  If you are working in a field that is subject to economic

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Hand extending diploma and graduation cap.

Want to Connect with More Candidates? Rethink Degree Requirements

Often when employers are looking to hire new talent, they pick up an old job description and update it with the specifics of the post they are looking to fill, and the template may include a degree requirement. If this is true for you, it may be time to consider how the hiring landscape has

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First-time managers have to learn how to motivate staff and manage time.

Advice for First-Time Managers

Being promoted is an exciting time, it’s a big step in your career. That said, if you are a first-time manager, you may be unsure of how to handle all of your new responsibilities while managing your team. But there are plenty of supports you can lean on, such as connecting with mentors, reading books

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Image of a person sitting at a desk on a video call with another professional
Career Counseling

Hiring Trends Are Changing Quickly

In the last couple of years, there have been shifts in the labor market. While some of them initially seemed temporary, particularly those in connection with pandemic shutdowns, others have persevered. Adapting to new hiring trends could help you connect with your ideal career opportunity, whether you are looking to land your first job out

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Aerial shot of 3 people at a drafting desk looking at a blueprint

3 Top Ways to Improve Your Management Communication Style

Everyone has goals for their team. But in order for your managerial objectives to be understood and accomplished, you need to be able to effectively communicate with your employees, team mates, and potential hires. Strong communication means a sense of collaboration will be created, ensuring everyone is aiming for the same target. If you have

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Image of a piece of paper stating "Magic Time"
Career Counseling

New Year, New You! Top 7 Ways to Improve Your Career 

When one year closes, another begins, and the New Year brings exciting opportunities. If you are looking to improve your career, these actionable steps can help you achieve your goals.  And while searching online job postings is one way to connect with employers, connecting with staffing experts who regularly talk to hiring managers is a

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Image of two professionals over a laptop with a large book

Do Micro-Credentials Make a Candidate a Better Choice?

When reading resumes, many hiring managers find candidates listing skills in a format that wasn’t around when they were starting out. For instance, a person may list their micro-credentials. While it is understood that micro-credentials are, generally, short terms of study that focus on a specific assessment or skillset, there is no official definition. If

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Image of professionals in a meeting room

Review Staffing Goals at the End of the Calendar Year

Staffing is a complex issue for many businesses. It is a delicate balance, because if you have too many workers and too little work, revenue is impacted. But if your staff is too lean, you may have to pass on a lucrative project. This is why staffing plans are essential. At the end of the

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Image of various office supplies
Career Counseling

How Do I Know If I’m Overqualified? 

Having experience when you are looking for work is, overall, a good thing. But there are also situations when candidates are overqualified for a job, leading them to wonder if they should apply at all. And if they do, will they be seriously considered for the position. If you want to connect with businesses who

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Image of a clipboard being held over two people's laps

5 Reasons to Gather Resumes During the Holiday Season 

November is a time to enjoy the changing leaves and begin to prepare for the holiday season. While part of this is planning your social calendar and family events for Thanksgiving, holiday parties, Christamas, Hanukkah, and other celebrations, there are also things you can be doing to fortify your work team for the New Year.

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Image of a large group of professionals with their hands in the center
Career Counseling

Find Your Next Job In a Non-Corporate Environment 

Graduating from school or deciding to leave one professional industry and move into another may have you wondering where to go next. Some who are looking for work dream of corporate positions, ones that provide them with great benefits, including health insurance and retirement plans. But others prefer to work in non-corporate environments. If you

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Image of a cup of pens, a laptop, a pair of headphones, and some paper

How to Use Online Tools for Employee Development

If you are a manager, you know that your team is only as good as the individuals within the group. Because of this, it pays to have engaged, motivated employees. Everyone on a team benefits when employees are satisfied in their positions and excited about their projects. One way to increase worker involvement is through

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Image of a professional at a desk writing in a notebook
Career Counseling

Before I Interview, What Type of Research Should I Do?

A common bit of advice for people entering the interview process is to do your research. But if you haven’t done research for job interviews in the past, you may not know what information you should be gathering.  Essentially, knowing about the company you are interviewing with lets them know you are truly excited about

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Image of a person on the phone

Call References Before You Make an Offer 

When you need more staffing support, you may connect with potential hires through a job post. And that initial contact could lead to great conversations through the interview process. But before you make an offer, you need to check references.  Performing reference checks is one of the many steps to hiring the right person for

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Upshot of a city with partly cloudy skies
Career Counseling

Do You Want a Job at a Large Company?

Choosing what you want to do for a living is one professional choice, but you also need to think about where you want to work. For example, would you rather work for a small business or a large company? There are pros and cons to both options, so there is no right or wrong answer. 

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Image of a person with their head on their desk

Signs of Boss Burnout and How to Recover

There are a lot of different strategies managers can use to help employees who are feeling burned out at work, but what if you’re in charge and you are experiencing boss burnout?  Many managers are overwhelmed with project deadlines and skeletal staff numbers. It can be incredibly hard to meet your professional objectives when you

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Group of 5 professionals having a meeting
Career Counseling

Welcome New Opportunities for Career Success

Employers are always on the lookout for ambitious individuals who want to fulfill their professional potential. Hiring managers look to onboard candidates who have initiative in their work histories. And when it comes to employees, leadership wants to retain workers who are continually learning and growing in their positions. Talk to an employment expert at

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Image of 4 origami boats

What Qualities Make a Good Team Leader?

Have you been promoted to a leadership position? Congratulations! It takes hard work and dedication to rise through an organization. But while you may be thrilled to make the transition from entry-level employee to manager, you may also be questioning how to be a good team leader.  As a leader, you will need to learn

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Professional at a desk with a laptop and desk phone smiling for the camera
Career Counseling

Willingness to Learn Is a Great Personal Skill

While it is true that employers are looking for candidates who have the experience to fulfill the tasks of a job, they are also looking for people who are motivated. Because of this, individuals with a willingness to learn are desirable both as potential job candidates and valued long-term employees. If you are looking for

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Image of a professional at a desk with a laptop smiling for the camera

Give “New to the Market” Job Seekers a Chance

Experienced employees are great for organizations, but there are many reasons to consider individuals who are new to the job market and do not have professional experience. After all, if you need employees, there are graduates from high school, college, and training programs joining the workforce all the time.  If you’re unsure how to connect

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Career Counseling

Proven Ways to Boost Your Job Hunting Confidence

Feeling anxious or nervous when looking for a job or preparing for an interview is normal. But having a few butterflies in your stomach is an indicator you are excited, and wonderful things can happen when people are looking forward to making positive life changes. Job hunting confidence can lead to you being hired into

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Image of a person in an armchair reading a magazine

Basic Ways to Improve Your Job Listings

When you have a position available, you know you will have to get the word out. Often your search for the right candidate will include crafting a job description and posting a job listing on the career page of your company website and with recruitment partners.  To create a listing that boosts the number of

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Meeting room with a group of professionals, where two are standing shaking hands while the rest sit
Career Counseling

Stop Making These Interview Mistakes

You did it! After filling out a job application or submitting a resume, you’ve been contacted for an interview. Congratulations. But now it is important for you to make a good impression that could lead to a job offer. To increase your chances of landing your dream job, here are four interview mistakes to avoid. 

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Image of a graph on a tablet on a table
Career Counseling

Everything You Need to Know About Inflation and Your Job Hunt

Inflation is on everyone’s mind. It is a topic at family dinner tables and an issue being navigated by companies as well. If you are currently looking for work, you may be wondering if the current inflationary environment is impacting your job hunt. High inflation has an impact on what jobs are available and what

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Group of professionals in a meeting, with all out of focus except the one who is smiling for the camera

3 Ways to Attract More Candidates In a Tight Labor Market

You’ve likely heard people talking about the tight labor market, meaning the economy is close to full employment. This can make it difficult for businesses to find high-quality hires. And if you are a hiring manager, you know how important it is to acquire and retain top talent.  Thankfully, there are ways to attract more

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Image of a group of professionals at a meeting

Powerful Tips to Connect with the Right Candidate

If you are in charge of hiring at your organization, you know that it pays to connect with the right candidate. Avoiding a bad hire will save your business time, money, and stress. Onboarding employees, on a part or full-time basis, is an investment. Connecting with a good match will lead to an increase in

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Image of repeated cartoon person in blue, with one red person
Career Counseling

Easy Ways to Get Hired 

When people talk about the job market, they are usually talking about the job market they are currently experiencing. After all, the market is always evolving. Easy ways to get hired a decade ago may not be an appropriate path forward today. For example, online job sites were a sole source of information in years

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Image of several hands on top of each other in the center

Complete Your Recruiting Team Today

Are you wondering if it would be advantageous for you to build a recruitment team at your place of work? Essentially, this is a group of people who identifies and selects candidates that will be offered positions within the company or business. For smaller organizations, recruitment may be the responsibility of one person, a human

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Image of a professional in front of a cell phone tripod on a video call
Career Counseling

How Do I Prepare for a Video Interview? 

There was a time when video interviews were a rarity, but now they are common. Virtual interviews are a tool for hiring managers to screen possible candidates before bringing them in for an in-person discussion. Like other parts of the interview process, a strong performance at a video interview requires preparation.  If you are looking

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Image of a person holding a box of items

How Do I Retain Workers During the Great Resignation? 

Employee retention has become more difficult recently and many managers report noticing an increase in employee turnover. Prompted by changes in employment environments and wage growth, the great resignation (also sometimes referred to as the great reshuffle) is a term used to describe U.S. employees voluntarily leaving their job, either to pursue a more attractive

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Image of a new graduate
Career Counseling

4 Things About Finding a Job New Graduates Need to Know 

Graduating is an exciting time of life, and as you prepare to get your first job out of school, you may be unsure how to get started. If you have questions about how to connect with a job that will build your career and provide you with a well-deserved income, talk to an employment expert

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Group of professionals behind another professional's desk on a laptop

4 Manager Myths About Temp Staff 

If you are a hiring manager who has never worked with a staffing firm, you may shy away from the idea of temporary workers because you have heard myths about temp staff. But in reality, more and more workers are choosing temporary employment arrangements, and there is a high number of hard-working, talented people who

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Image of a person arranging cut plants
Career Counseling

These 3 Fields Need Spring Staff

When there is snow on the ground and you have a winter coat on hand at all times, it can be easy to forget that spring is around the corner. But if you are looking for work, it is advantageous to keep industries in mind that need spring staff. If you are looking for work

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Is Your 2022 Staffing Plan In Place?

As a busy manager, you have deadlines to hit and projections to make. With so much day-to-day work that has to be completed, it can be hard to get all of the long-term planning done that you’d like. But it is never too late to make a staffing plan. Doing so now can save your

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Image of a professional at a desk with a laptop and a vase of flowers
Career Counseling

5 Ways a Staffing Firm Can Boost Your Freelance Income

While freelancing has been around for decades, it has become more common in recent years to hear of people making money through side hustles or reading articles about digital nomads, individuals that can work from anywhere in the world as long as they have their laptop and an internet connection.  The freedom of freelancing is

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Image of a pinboard with a sign stating "People First"

Why Employees Experience Burnout at Work

Employee burnout is a term used to describe workers who are exhausted with their jobs, have negative feelings about their workplace, or are no longer feeling productive in their positions. Work burnout symptoms vary from person to person. Sometimes a hiring manager will notice a dip in performance, or the employee may tell their boss

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Group of professionals in a meeting room, with all but one mostly out of the image.
Career Counseling

The Easiest Way to Get Hired

The easiest way to get hired is to be a problem-solver. If you think about it, this will be beneficial to both you and a potential employer. Whether you are looking for a new career challenge or will be graduating from a degree program soon, the problem you want to solve is landing a new,

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Two people talking with one holding a pottery lid

3 Techniques for Training Temporary Workers

Temporary workers provide many businesses and organizations with the staffing support they need to thrive and meet productivity goals. This is because seasonal workers and temporary employees supply companies with team members when they need them without creating an ongoing staffing expense. Sometimes, full-time staff members are too expensive for a business to afford during

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Image of a hand holding a sparkler
Career Counseling

5 Resolutions for Your Job Hunt

Many people enjoy making resolutions for the New Year. After all, seeing a resolution or two through can be empowering and boost your self-esteem. If you are ready to make changes in your career, make a few resolutions to improve your job search.  To shift your career in a positive direction, consider the following 5

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Two professionals writing on a whiteboard with markers
Career Counseling

What Is Redeployment?

When it comes to the workplace, redeployment is a term connected to moving an employee from one role to another. Moving employees internally can be a great way to fill vacancies while saving money on recruitment. And, for some organizations, redeployment can help to promote an adaptable staff and positive company culture. If you have

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Aerial shot of a meeting room table with a group of professionals with laptops
Career Counseling

10 In-Demand Job Skills

New to the job market or considering a career shift? If you haven’t been active in the recruitment process lately, you may be surprised at how much the in-demand job skills have changed over time. Now, companies are often looking for a combination of hard skills, such as technical expertise, and soft skills, from creativity

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Are You a Hiring Manager Who Could Use Seasonal Support?

If your organization needs additional staff during certain times of year, working with a staffing firm and planing ahead could help. Hiring seasonal help is common. For this reason, if you put off hiring for too long, you may be surprised by how competitive the hiring climate is. Part-time, contract, and full-time workers are available.

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Image of a person tying a ribbon on a box at a hobby table
Career Counseling

3 Ways to Make Money During the Holidays

Strapped for holiday spending money? Or, have you been looking for work for months and now want to secure a paycheck before entering the New Year? Many find themselves picking up work over the holiday season, either because they have extra time or because they want to pad their bank accounts to help pay for

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7 Tips for Conducting a Job Interview

When job interviews are conducted well, they can appear to be an easy task. But in reality, efficiently leading an interview takes preparation and planning. Taking time to effectively hire today can save your business time and money later.  Valuable time and resources can be lost when an organization spends time training a new hire

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Image of a professional writing on a calendar
Career Counseling

Does Being Unemployed Impact My Job Search?

If you are wondering if being unemployed is impacting your job hunt, you are not alone. It is common for people to say that it is easier to secure a job when you are employed. But that is not always true. The labor market has changed in recent years and employers recognize that it is

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Image of several professionals at a meeting writing in a book.

Company Culture Can Boost Morale

You may be hearing more and more business leaders talk about the importance of company culture. But you may be unsure of how to improve morale at your company or how negative feelings could be influencing the productivity of your business and the satisfaction of your team.  If you want to learn more about how

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Career Counseling

4 High Paying Industries that Don’t Require a College Degree

When thinking of high paying jobs, many think of business positions that require college and, sometimes, a post-baccalaureate program or graduate degree. But if you want to establish yourself in a lucrative field but are not interested in studying at a university, know that there are a lot of high paying industries that don’t require

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How Managers Can Determine a Salary Range for a Job Opening

Salary ranges are an important tool for hiring managers. Pay ranges allow you to budget for the future while attracting the candidates your organization needs to stay productive and efficient.  But when you determine a salary range, you are doing more than guessing what a job should be paid. There are steps you can take

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Image of a person at a desk writing in a notebook next to a laptop
Career Counseling

Can Certification Help Me Get a Job?

Getting your career started can feel overwhelming. If this is true for you, you may be wondering if certification can help you secure a position. The answer is likely that it depends. Tests and classes can be expensive, not to mention time intensive. Before investing in a certification course, be sure the experience will help

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Image of a person standing on a cliff with their arms raised
Career Counseling

3 Ways Resiliency Can Support Your Job Search

Let’s face it, looking for a job can be daunting. Particularly if you are unemployed and need an income right away. But it is important to focus on positive self-talk throughout the process. Putting yourself down can reduce your confidence, and confidence can be a key factor in being considered the best candidate for an

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Group of 3 professionals with their hands together in the center

Teens and Recent Graduates Can Be Great Hires

If you are having trouble finding the staff you need, it may be time to consider teens and recent graduates. Some of these job seekers have flexible schedules and are willing to be trained on skills needed to help your company flourish.  Whether you are looking for temporary workers or permanent part-time employees, younger candidates

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Image of a person in a chair in their home workshop
Career Counseling

How to Find a Low Stress Job

If your workplace is a source of ongoing strain and pressure, it may be time to find a low stress job. After all, stress can have an impact on a person’s physical and mental health. When living with chronic stress, a person can experience disruptions to their digestive system and immune system. They can even

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3 Mistakes to Avoid When Job Hunting

Looking for a job can be a frustrating process, particularly if it is taking longer than you would like to secure a position. There can be a lot of ways to land a job offer, but there are also mistakes to avoid when job hunting. Avoiding errors can help to make the process smoother and

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Building a Recruitment Strategy

It is common for recruiting to fall to the bottom of a manager’s to-do list. After all, you are trying to maintain a productive team and keep your clients happy. But, you can’t do everything you need to do without a stellar staff in place. Developing a recruitment strategy is an essential part of an

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Career Counseling

What is Career Counseling? Everything You Need to Know.

Sometimes referred to as career guidance, career counseling is a process to help you make a career change. If you are early in your career, you may choose to work with a career counselor to choose an occupation. For individuals who have been in the workforce for a while, career counseling could be a way

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Learn More About Skill-Based Hiring

If your business is in need of staff support for a few essential tasks, you could benefit from skill-based hiring. A staffing concept that has become more popular in recent years, skill-based hiring is about placing the right individual in the right position, rather than being solely guided by past job titles and educational achievements.

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Many Great Temp Hires are Older Workers

If your business is looking for staffing support, you may find your hiring team regularly gravitating toward younger workers. This can be especially true when organizations are looking to gain more tech savvy support. But relying on younger talent for temporary or full-time opportunities can lead to organizations missing out on the benefits of older

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Career Counseling

3 Ways a Growth Mindset Can Help Your Job Search

Job searches happen for a variety of reasons. But whatever your reason for a change, a growth mindset can help. After all, change can be difficult. This is true if you have made the choice to change on your own accord or if someone else made the shift for you. Routines can help an individual

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5 Ways Temporary / Contract Workers Save Your Business Money

Does your business benefit from utilizing contract workers? If you have yet to look into temporary help, you may be surprised by how much money can be saved with contract or  freelance support. Both employers and workers can benefit from temporary work arrangements. Individuals who choose to accept temporary work assignments enjoy greater employment flexibility.

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Group of professionals with their hands together in the center

Tips for Small Businesses Hiring Staff

If you own or manage a small business, you know how important every single hire can be. After all, when a staff is small, even one or two workers who are not carrying their weight can impact your bottom line. There are things you can do to get the right hire for your small business.

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Quick Ways to Find a Job

If you need income, have recently moved to a new location, or have experienced an unexpected career shift, you may be looking for quick ways to find a job. While the job hunting process may be moving slower than you’d like, there are ways to speed things up. Ask an employment expert at Staffing Network to learn

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7 Duties of Warehouse Associates

Distribution centers and warehouses need warehouse associates to effectively function. After all, warehouses are locations to store products and materials. To keep these materials and products organized and moving fluidly, skilled warehouse associates are needed to coordinate organizational systems and safety protocols. Of course, specific duties depend on the size and type of warehouse. If

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Top 5 Ways a Staffing Firm Can Boost Business

For an organization to grow, solid hiring decisions need to be made. Because of this, there are ways a staffing firm can boost your business. As many managers know, the hiring process can be costly, time consuming, and comes with a level of risk. If you could use help vetting applicants for your company, connect

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3 Things to Do After a Job Interview

When you leave a job interview, you may mistakenly believe there is nothing left to do but wait and hear back from the hiring manager. In truth, there are key things to do after a job interview, items that can be the difference between a rejection email and a formal job offer. Are you looking

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5 Types of Light Industrial Jobs

When someone is looking for work, they may not be familiar with different types of light industrial jobs. Too often, a job seeker will see the word “industrial” and huge machinery and massive production facilities will come to mind. In reality, many types of light industrial jobs occur within facilities that are not humungous. For

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Advantages of Temporary Positions

Having trouble finding a job that is a good match for your interests and skills? It may be time to look for something other than a permanent position. Advantages of temporary positions include building your network, making an income, and having a continuous work history on your resume. If flexibility is important to you, opting

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10 New Year’s Resolutions for Job Seekers

As the calendar turns, resolutions for job seekers can be helpful for individuals desiring a career change in the 12 months ahead. Focus your effort on securing a new position with the following tips. If you are looking for more guidance, connect with an employment expert at Staffing Network. #1 Look Into Opportunities You likely already

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Two women with party hats looking at a phone

Team Building Games for a Holiday Party

When planning a holiday party, busy managers often decide to simply do what was done the year before. While traditions can be a great way to bond, adding a team building game or two can be helpful as well. After all, the winter months means chilly temperatures and an early sunset. Everyone can benefit from

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Short-Term Jobs to Fulfill Your Financial Needs

Sometimes, if you are shifting between careers, recently graduated, or interested in exploring new industries, you find yourself looking into short-term jobs. Temp work and side projects can be great ways to fill your financial needs while you decide what type of full-time position you are seeking or what field interests you most. Temporary jobs

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What If a Job Applicant Doesn’t Respond?

If your organization regularly fills positions, you have likely experienced a job applicant who disappears. Some do not show up for job interviews while others secure a position and then fail to show up on their first day. This can be frustrating as the hiring process takes time and open positions can slow down productivity.

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Image of a professional with a hi-vis shirt writing on a clipboard.

5 Skills to Help You Land a Light Industrial Job

If you are looking for work, you have likely seen listings for light industrial jobs. Similar in some ways to large-scale manufacturing and distribution, light industrial companies are in the business of producing and distributing products. The difference is the work is done on a smaller scale. Often the items produced are a piece or

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Professional on a laptop sitting on the floor.

Writing a Job Description to Attract Your Next Hire

When your company adds a new hire or chooses to fill a vacated position, it is an exciting time. After all, hiring means your business is thriving. Writing a job description is an opportunity for you to pinpoint what skills you are looking for and help you secure the right person for the position. Are

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Man working in an industrial setting.

Boost Employee Confidence for a Stronger Staff

Employee confidence is an important component to a strong staff. After all, when a person believes in their abilities they are able to productively contribute their talents to their job, leading to advancements, promotions, and company growth. Are you looking for employees to boost results within your company? An employment expert at Staffing Network can help you

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October is Fire Prevention Month

Light Industrial Staffing Experts want you to be Safe! October is Fire Prevention Month – 10 Home Fire Safety Tips A home is often referred to as a safe haven.  This month, make sure your home is protected from (and your family is prepared for) a fire.  Here are 10 simple tips to help you

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Jobs for Recent College Graduates

When you graduate college, it is a time of great excitement and enthusiasm. After all, it is time to put all you have studied to work and build the career you desire. The problem is not all careers start out as planned. Unfortunately, it is common for job hunts to be stalled because of a

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Frustrated professional standing in front of a meeting room

You Can Sidestep Common Hiring Mistakes

Did you know there are common hiring mistakes that managers continue to make again and again? The good news is there are steps you can take to avoid hiring mistakes. After all, a bad hire can be costly for an organization and can even slow down productivity within a workplace. Hiring a strong candidate takes

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Facebook Is Stopping You From Getting Your Dream Job

Dear Job Seekers, You would have never thought that the way your Facebook account looks or the kind of pictures you post can affect your chances of getting a job. Job seekers, it is no joke! According to a survey, a lot of companies have now started rejecting job applications on the basis of social

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Staying Safe During the Summer

SUMMER SAFETY TIPS from the Staffing Network Enjoy your time outside and if you have any questions regarding a new job or career, please CONTACT US HERE!

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Benefits of Temporary Work?

Staffing firms often have a stigma that temporary work isn’t ideal or for someone looking for long term stability. But, before you dismiss the idea of signing up a firm, here are a few reasons why it can be beneficial. So, if you are ready to explore what’s positions are available go to the Job Search menu.

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8 Tips for Resumes

8 Tips for Resumes Now a day more and more employers and recruiters are requesting resumes from the industrial field.  If you don’t have a resume, several Workforce Centers and unemployment offices provide free resume writing workshops and access to computers.  If you have a resume that needs updating, we came across a great article with few easy steps

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Benefits of Hiring Temporary Staff

When a business needs help, temporary staff can provide support. Sometimes a temporary hire is the right solution because additional staffing is only needed for a set amount of time. In other instances, temporary staff allows a company to continue filling the needs of a position while searching for a full-time employee. Whether you are

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How to Write a Resume

The process of looking for a job can be intimidating. But don’t let a task like writing a resume hold you back from landing your dream job. Whether you are seeking a light industrial position or a position as an operations manager, you will need a resume. It’s a sales tool to show hiring managers

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Image of a person hold a sign that says" Take the Chance"

What the Low Unemployment Rate Means for You

Low unemployment means it is a job seeker’s market, and for the past year the unemployment rate in the United States has been under 4%. What does this mean for you? If you are a job seeker, it means there are more possibilities to find a job that you truly enjoy. This is because when

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Image of two professionals shaking hands with the Staffing Network logo in the bottom right

Why You Should Work with a Staffing Agency

If you are looking for a job, you know how frustrating it can be to find the right position. Sometimes it is even difficult to know where to look and how to get started. It is common for job seekers to find themselves sending out application after application and still not have any results. The

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Community Involvement: “It’s Who You Know” Speed Networking Event

On March 31st Staffing Network/QPA was proud to sponsor the One Million Degrees “It’s Who You Know” Speed Networking event. The event is designed to support scholars’ communication skills and ability to effectively prepare for future networking events, internships, and job interviews.  With the help of Staffing Network/QPA volunteers and other community participants the event was a

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KOLA – Job Fair

Staffing Network is as easy as 1-2-3! Saturday November 10th9am-1pm Location:3602 Inland Empire Blvd.Building A Suite 130Ontario, CA 91764Phone: 909-296-4090 More than 80 Positions available!

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1340 WJOL Radio Podcasts

Listen to our latest podcast from Will County’s 1340 WJOL Talk Radio. Opportunity Recruiter – Monday, October 29, 2018: Opportunity Recruiter – Monday, October 22, 2018: Opportunity Recruiter – Monday, October 15, 2018:

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Get to Know Our Team

Get to know our Team! Natalia Craciun, Area Manager-  Lombard & Bensenville, IL Natalia is a Moldova native with a B.A in Foreign Languages and Literature from Moldova State University. She is fluent in several languages including Romanian, English, Spanish and Russian. She has been part of the Staffing Network family since 2012 and we are thrilled

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10 Warehouse Jobs that Pay Well

If you are in need of an income, you may be wondering which warehouse jobs pay well. In truth, there are a variety of positions available within warehouses. Some are entry-level positions, meaning you either do not need experience or only a little experience is necessary. Then, there are management positions for individuals who grow

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How to Apply and What to Expect?

You have seen an online posting or came across one of our local offices and are interested in exploring employment opportunities. What do you do next?  Well, there are several ways to apply! Once you have completed the general application our Staffing Specialists will match your job skills with current openings.  If a position is

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