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Powerful Tips to Connect with the Right Candidate

If you are in charge of hiring at your organization, you know that it pays to connect with the right candidate. Avoiding a bad hire will save your business time, money, and stress. Onboarding employees, on a part or full-time basis, is an investment. Connecting with a good match will lead to an increase in productivity and team satisfaction.

There are times when being a gatekeeper for your company is a larger commitment than you currently have time to complete. To learn about effective recruitment strategies and receive introductions to job seekers who have already been vetted, talk to an employment expert at Staffing Network

Consider Experience, Skills, and Company Culture

Of course, you want to meet a candidate who has the experience and talents needed to fulfill the tasks of the open position, but you also want to be sure they are a match for the culture of your organization. 

Often it is beneficial to allow an interview conversation to flow, so you can learn more about the individual and their work style. Additionally, what questions you ask during an interview can assist you in understanding if the candidate is able to follow the expected work hours and how they will work within a team. 

Interview questions will vary, depending on the industry and open position, but if you aren’t sure how to start building an interview question list, consider using one or more of the following:

  • How did you hear about our organization and why do you want to work here?
  • Do you enjoy learning new skills?
  • Will you share an example of you being a team player?
  • What are your technological skills and do you adapt easily to new systems?
  • Do you know what we do here and is there anything you are excited to learn about our industry?

As the conversation unfolds, take notes. It is tempting to think you will remember every detail, but when a manager is interviewing multiple candidates it is easy to forget specifics. Later, if you are having difficulty deciding between one candidate or another, you can review your interview notes.

Reference Checks and Thinking of the Future 

After meeting the right candidate and being impressed with them throughout an interview, you may want to simply offer them the job and move on to another task on your to-do list. But your hiring job isn’t done yet, you need to check references. Talking with a candidate’s past employers verifies the information they supplied. 

In addition, it can be helpful to think beyond the needs of your organization and mull over what the potential employee wants from a position. After all, if they are ambitious and seeking a promotion quickly, you need to be sure that is a possibility. Otherwise, even a stellar candidate will leave shortly after being hired, jumping to another job on their career list. 

Are you a hiring manager who is ready to connect with the right candidate? Staffing Network is a full-service staffing and recruiting firm that specializes in light/skilled industrial, engineering, and operations professionals. Connect with Staffing Network today.

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