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Does Being Unemployed Impact My Job Search?

If you are wondering if being unemployed is impacting your job hunt, you are not alone. It is common for people to say that it is easier to secure a job when you are employed. But that is not always true. The labor market has changed in recent years and employers recognize that it is common for individuals to have employment gaps. That said, the length of the gap may make a difference.

Deciding to change industries, needing to take time to care for kids, or leaving a job to pursue an education are a few of the many reasons why there may be gaps in your job history. Sometimes, being unemployed for a period of time is a necessity. There are ways to return to the workforce and boost your resume, talk to an employment expert at Staffing Network to learn more.

Being Unemployed for Up to 6 Months

When you are looking for a job and need a salary, a few months off of work can feel overwhelming. But studies point to hiring managers accepting a few months between jobs. However, unemployment could turn into a liability if three months turns into nine months.

There are things you can do when you are trying to secure a full-time position. For example, temporary positions and contract work can fill out a resume and give you an opportunity to learn new skills and earn a paycheck during your job search. Becoming busy with temporary work will also reduce the employment gap on your resume.

After being unemployed for a year or longer, landing interviews may be more difficult. Or, you may find you are offered positions that have room for growth rather than leadership roles. But if you are open to working your way back up the ladder, a production job could be a good fit. 

Update Your Resume and Strategize Your Job Search

When you are in between jobs, it is important to realize the impact it is having on your future job prospects. Being unemployed for a few months isn’t a deal breaker for many hiring managers, but if you are unemployed for too long, it could be the difference between you and another candidate being called in for an interview.

Being unemployed does not mean you should wait to hear about the perfect position. Instead, be proactive. Update your resume. Let friends and family know you are looking for work. Connect with temporary positions to protect your finances and shorten your period of being unemployed.

There are experts who can determine how to handle employment gaps on your resume and get you back to work. Career experts know who is hiring and what skills you need to be an attractive candidate.

Have you been unemployed for six months and are unsure how to get back to work? Staffing Network is a full-service staffing and recruiting firm that specializes in light/skilled industrial, engineering, and operations professionals. Let our experts help you find the best position for you. Connect with Staffing Network today.

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