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Stop Making These Interview Mistakes

You did it! After filling out a job application or submitting a resume, you’ve been contacted for an interview. Congratulations. But now it is important for you to make a good impression that could lead to a job offer. To increase your chances of landing your dream job, here are four interview mistakes to avoid. 

Mistake 1: Showing Up Late 

Interview preparation is an integral part of the process. This means arriving on time (or a bit early) and feeling confident. Because you will be traveling to a new location, leaving early is advised as you may encounter unexpected delays. Be sure to have the contact information for your interview contact with you as well, so if you are met with a delay that is beyond your control you can reach out and let them know. And if your interview is online, test drive all of your technology before the appointed interview time. 

Mistake 2: Wearing Inappropriate Attire

Dressing too casually is a common interview mistake. While not every job will require a three piece suit, you need to carefully choose an outfit that is clean and professional. This means forgoing ripped jeans and sneakers. To feel confident and appear put together, you will want to opt for fresh, professional clothes. Naturally what you will wear could be a bit different for a creative business than a legal firm, but when in doubt, dress up rather than down. 

Mistake 3: Saying Negative Things About Previous Employers

Even if you didn’t like a past job or had issues with your old boss, an interview is not the place to complain about past positions. Sharing negative thoughts could lead your interviewer to crossing your name off the candidate list because they worry you would not be a positive influence on a team or you’d say critical things about them in the future. So, instead of discussing negative factors, share ways that you were positive and proactive. 

Mistake 4: Not Asking Questions

Interviewers like it when candidates are interested in the company and the offered position. So at the end of the interview, if you are asked if you have any questions, take the interviewer up on their offer. You could ask about what a team is currently working on or a historical question about the founding of the organization, for example. It is good to have a handful of questions in mind as it is likely you will have already covered one or two of your initial questions through the course of your interview. 

The truth is that a positive attitude can go a long way toward securing a job. After all, hiring managers are typically looking for enthusiastic candidates who can bring upbeat energy to their team. Being nervous is common, but remember that an interview is an opportunity for you to share your best qualities. When you avoid common interview mistakes, it is an opportunity for the true you to shine through and wow your interviewer.

Do you want to learn about how to improve your chances of landing a new job? Connect with an employment professional to learn more. Staffing Network is a full-service staffing and recruiting firm that specializes in light/skilled industrial, engineering, and operations professionals. Connect with Staffing Network today.

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