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5 Types of Light Industrial Jobs

When someone is looking for work, they may not be familiar with different types of light industrial jobs. Too often, a job seeker will see the word “industrial” and huge machinery and massive production facilities will come to mind.

In reality, many types of light industrial jobs occur within facilities that are not humungous. For this reason, individuals who have technical skills often find they enjoy these workplaces as their staff relationships can be more personal than those within large factories. If you are interested in learning more about different types of light industrial jobs, talk to an employment expert at Staffing Network.

Assembly and Fabrication

A person who is hired to assemble parts into a finished product may have the job title of assembler or fabricator. They may also be responsible for correcting any mistakes that may have occurred during assembly.

If you enjoy working with wood and metal, it is possible you might thrive in furniture assembly, for example. One of many light industrial jobs, furniture assembly can include working with different materials. There are positions dedicated to remodeling and others focused on production.

Quality Control Positions

There are a few different positions that fall under the category of quality control, including inspectors, technicians, and testers. Of course, there are specifics of each position that are unique to the needs of the company, but generally, inspectors oversee manufacturing standards while testers examine products and technicians ensure the manufacturing process is operating in a way that is safe and effective.

Types of Light Industrial Jobs Include Warehouse Work

Warehouses rely on a trained staff to effectively move products. Associates could be responsible for checking inventory levels and processing and fulfilling orders. In order to complete these duties, operating a forklift of other pieces of machinery may be necessary.

Food and Clothing Production

When you consider how many food items are sold every day, it makes sense there are a lot of jobs connected to the food industry. After all, people need to supervise and maintain food machines. Machines that create and package bakery, chocolates, jams, fruits, snacks, and more.

Manufacturing garments and other soft goods are also types of light industrial jobs. These jobs can be satisfying for individuals who enjoy working with fabrics and have an eye for accuracy.

Print Industry Positions Are Types of Light Industrial Jobs

Even with people regularly turning to their smartphones and laptops for news and entertainment, there is still a high demand for printed matter, including brochures, books, and magazines. In order to create these items, prepress technicians and press workers are needed.

Light industry positions may still be physical, but there is likely not the same amount of machinery that you will find in a heavy industrial workplace. Smaller machines still work best when they are managed by individuals who are dependable and detailed.

Are your talents a good match for a light industrial job? Staffing Network is a full-service staffing and recruiting firm that specializes in light/skilled industrial, engineering, and operations professionals. Let our experts help you find the best position for you. Connect with Staffing Network today.

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